Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Week 8

This was the funnest week of Music class.

We started this week (on Tuesday of course) with the usual which is Play the Violin. I played the violin and it was okay everyone did well except for you know who. (clue: Cello), This week our song that we were playing was Janger Bali, Suwe ora Jamu and my fav Indonesia Pusaka. I was assign to be violin one every song, except for the Indonesia Pusaka because Mr said that violin 2 needs more player.

On Wednesday, again we play our violin and it was even better only now the cello are able to follow the song quite well, and I was assign to be on Violin 1 for Indonesia Pusaka. And I just realized that on Friday, we need to stay up late to play for the graduation students. that wont be fun at all.

Thursday, we make our MDW on our first session and then on session 2 we spend to play the violin again. Binar screwed up this time but me and my apprentice, Darren did very aladeen. He aladeen his violin like there's no more aladeen left. I did screwed up on Indonesia Pusaka because I played the tempo a bit to fast on the middle, because I changed into violin 2 then I was changed again into violin 1.

On Friday everyone did well playing their violin because cello didn't screwed up...

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Week 7 and 8 Videos

playing INdonesia pusaka 

Week 8:

Better version of indonesia pusaka.. #swag

Week 7

This week
we started by playing our violin as usual. Like literally, everyone grabbed their violin and played.
Well mys student is Darren and so far he did well. But sometimes he forgets things.
Tuesday: Today we play Suwe Ora Jamu... Darren did okay in the first session but in second session I teach him every detail about the song so that he would play aladeen. But he did play aladeen, I am very aladeen of you man.

Wednesday: We did the exact same thing as yesterday but Darren play better, because I sit at the middle I can play both violin 1 and 2. If Violin 1 has less member then I will join and if violin 2 sound is not as loud as one, I will help them.

Thursday: On session 1 we do our MDW, I write almost all of my reflection till yesterday, well so that at home I just need to print the pcitures.. and on session 2 we did the exact same thing we did on the past 2 days play the violin. This  was a fun week and a bit boring though in music class.

There was no instrument class because we play our violin in theory class.

Sad week for me because today is the last day for ACP :(

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Video week 5&6

This is a video of me playing Alegretto from book 1 Mazas. I dont think i have play it well enough. I need more practice

This is a video of me playing G major scale 4 oktav (yea man #SWAG)
I think I can play it nicely now.

Week 6
This is me again (as always) playing again the allegretto I think I can play it a lot better now although its not as good as my teacher yet

This is me playing G Major Scale 4 oktav and now Its better now.

Week 5: One day of Music class #YOLO

Well, another day in music class can't believe it's already week 5..
We are going to have our holiday soon and we are grateful but I will surely miss school and music especially but I will never miss one subject. :)

Tuesday: Today we didn't do a lot of things because we continue to do our jingle. Actually we are supposed to do it in group but Mr. Herry wants us to do it separately then we combine it. I had a bit of problem which took around 10 minutes of my time. It was inspiration I need to listen to some music to be able to do it.

Wednesday: We have a seminar about sustainable transport useless stuff. I was almost asleep. I prefer to have music class.

Thursday: Ascension Day! Holiday!

There was no instrument class

Week 6: Aladeen with Devil

This week kinda suck...
Mr. John was absent for 2 days and when he came back on Thursday he was in his grumpy mode. I don't think that I should blame him and he shouldn't be grumpy but I will get to that later and as for Mr Herry he should stop being an aladeen.

On Tuesday, he was absent, and btw it's the time to listen to each other jingle. The Jingle that we made together sounds funny, I didn't listen until the end during the making of it because I had to go home but anyway everyone did well. Rilya did a comforting airplane Jingle which was nice except the tempo is too slow so that people would go to sleep before they even listen to it. (that's the comment I wanted to give to her but then I may hurt her feeling... Sorry..) And JR did well on his samsung advertisement.

ON Wednesday, Mr. John was still absent so we had to grab our violin and play scales. Everyone except Binar because he plays cello (Nigel can play better). Then we played Suwe Ora Jamu, its a traditional Javanese song its nice and easy I teach Darren how to play it and he has a talent for music. (If you're reading this, you did Aladeen man!)

ON Thursday, Mr. John came to class he was grumpy because Mr. Herry told him to hurry up because class was starting but actually there was still elementary student. He was mad because He had to drank his medicine and hurried here.

We did well on playing the Suwe Ora Jamu, I had a bit of trouble because I had to look for Darren if he is lost or his finger is wrong. But he did aladeen.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Week 4

Week 4, phewww our UN finally passed.. it was not hard it was not easy it was okay

btw, on Tuesday we had our singing assessment, it wasn't hard at all. I was in one group with JR and Matthew K and we were the last group. Rilya and gang sang it nicely.. and Darren and Matthew also sang it nicely in result they both sang it awesomely if I was their teacher I would gave them a perfect score. And finally, when it was our turn for us to sing it was hard because I was the second voice although there was an awkward moment when JR and me forget one part.

Today we were told to do our jingle everybody did their best including me I think it wasn't hard but I has no inspiration that time so I couldn't d it.

on Thursday, it was my and JR's bday although we are now 15 but he's like 180 I'm only 165 sad truth. I kept asking what he eat to be able to grow so big and he said Chinese food lol. And today we continue to make our jingle, Mr John helped me to do it

Instrument class:
Play my violin as usual play a new song from Mazas book no 1 called Violino 1, it's called that because there's a violin 2 part. It wasn't hard I played well and that's it the end of this week the end of my bday

Week 2

This week was a scary week for me because nxt week is our UN.
On Tuesday we didn't have any music class because there was tryout.. It will be our final tryout I hope I can get a good score to prepare myself for the real thing next week.

On Wednesday, we did our best to sing TANAH AIRKU karya Ibu Soed. She made like four hundred song. The picture below is just to prove I don't lie. Anyway in my old school we used to sing that every month and when Mr John told us that we're going to sing that I was psyched. In my opinion it was a bit hard because I had to be the second voice.

On Thursday, we sang in groups and in front of microphone... Afterwards we continue to make our essay some of us submit it some didn't (they continue)

Senin, 22 April 2013

Week 1

Today is the starting day for  our new term, it means more music for us. Term 4 started okay  we were given a sheet of paper, it was our assessment schedules for gr9 music term 4. I read through it and was a bit shocked because we immediately have a new assessment next week Mr. John said that we need to submit it by wednesday next week meaning on 17 of April. But turns out we were given extra time because on the 15 and 16 we have out tryout for ujian nasional. And the next assessment would be making a jingle.

On wednesday, mr.John gave us a test for out listening skills, we have to guess the notes and which scales it belong to, he's using the piano btw. It was hard I had to guess at least 60% of them. luckily I got most of them correct (y).
and finally on thursday we got a quiz where we neeed to write chords, scales and inversions. mattk helped me abit and I helped him also it was fun and hard at the same it.

On instrument class we play the usual. Play our violin #Swag #YOLO
I play a new song btw

Kamis, 18 April 2013

Video week 1 and week 2

This is me playing my violin as usual ehhehehe
just kidding it's actually me trying to play g major scale, I know it's not perfect but I will try to improve.
And this is me playing the song I've been telling you readers. it is called allegretto, I got it from the book mazaas violino duet. I play the first violin because I haven't get the second violin, I think I did well in this video

week 2
This is me playing G major scale finger four I think i'm getting better at this.
This is me again playing allegreto, it sucks.. compare to the first week it was much better but this one doesn't deserve an applause. I did bad I hope soon I can improve it.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

12,13,14 March

This week we didn't have any music class T_T sad for me because I need to practice more for our Performance of the Russian Song arrangement. Well Tuesday was nyepi holiday its a holiday but on Thursday it's the day of our Try Out Ujian Nasional, it's not that hard though. I didn't do well in my math tryout because I'm not the thorough type hehehe. In all of my mistake, my answer was really close. Damn it!

Anyway, In theory we play our group Katyusha, I think we all did well. Although it took way too much time because I almost come late in my next class. I play the original Katyusha for two times and then I play my own modified Katyusha for the rest. Jason R played his own Katyusha. I think this may be one of the funnest music theory ever.

ps: There was no instrument class because we spent it on this.

12,13,14 Video

This is me playing G major scale until finger 4
In this video I was playing Katyusha. I did well in this video but I used my dad's laptop to record this and the result wasn't what I was expecting. Although I did well the music sounds really really loud.. sad

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

5,6,7 March

Time goes so fast.. I can't believe its already March.. Next Month we are going to have our Ujian Negara. ON March we are going to have our last music assessment is to Perform The Russian Song Arrangement and don't forget about our blog and MDW.

On the 5th we did our MDW, I wasn't having any trouble doing it because we only write our daily reflection. We also played Jason Riady's Katyusha to prepare us for the performance. We all played but i think we all did bad hehehehe. Violin plays melody so it's not hard for us neither for the guitar because they only play chord. But MattKas played it funny, he's late. Riady helped him lots of time I think maybe he will be able to play well soon.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

26,27,28 Feb

This week is last week for February, I can't believe time goes so fast. ahhahaha......

But first let's talk about music. On Tuesday Mr John discuss about tetrachord. The truth is I have never heard of tetrachord... sad but I think only a few of us know the meaning of tetra chord. Anyway tetra chord is the chord to find the sharp or flat.

Wednesday: we discuss the trip to SIngapore, JB made the proposal to Mr. Tom, I hope that it will be accepted although we checked the price, it was more expensive..

Thursday we did the same thing as Wednesday.

Instrument and Video:

19,20,21 February 2013

Tuesday: What could I say this was very surprising for me... We did our presentation. I was satisfied with our presentation. Everything went well in the presentation, Mr. Herry gave us suggestion on how we should present. What information we lack or how to explain well in a presentation. Darren may feel a bit offended because he was explaining and Mr. Herry cut him while he was talking... But afterwards, darren knew he should improve.

Wednesday: We got our MDW. We worked on it, apparently for some of us who did it on a different sheet of paper can just cut it and stick it in the MDW.

Thursday: was our FINALE draft day. Bad day for me because I need to download FINALE again, I worked on a sheet of paper although i'm done, I can't be sure because I can't checked it.

We barely have any time for our instrument class, well that's all for this week

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

12,13,14 February 2013

This week was fun but it requires a lot of hardwork. We have 3 assessment due, this week the presentation, next week is our booklet and the next next week would be our arranging the Russian music. On Tuesday we continued to make our presentation. It wasn't easy but there were three composers so we decided to divided the three of them, Darren got Tchaikovsky, I got Kabalevsky and Matthew got Prokofiev. Wednesday, we got ourselves the sheet music of Katyusha for violin 1 and 2. I got violin two but it was harder, JR as a violinist senior switched it and he played it (I was grateful). Wednesday we spend our time playing the modified Katyusha. Finally Thursday, we present... Darren didn't come but we still had to present, I have no problem with that and when Darren comes we will present again. Anyway things were getting better but then it's time.. We didn't get time to do it.

I played the Katyusha for a while and then because there was only few minutes left in the instrument class I helped binar played pacman

5,6,7 Febuary 2013

This wasn't a fun week for us because there was no music class on the 5th and the 6th because of the ISA test. Before we get to the music class, I want to say that ISA wasn't hard and for the writing test, it was bad because there was only 30 minutes to do the work.

Mr. John was absent during Thursday so we had the theory class with mr Herry. We discussed what out upcoming assessments wwere. It was arranging a Russian Music, Katyusha.
We were divided into two groups only because there was only 2 pianos in our class, matthew and pinka. I got into Matthew's group with JR, Matthew S and Darren that day we were measuring what's the lowest note and the highest note we can put in the arrangement.

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

29, 30, 31 January

This was a fun week for me since we started to make the presentation of our Russian Composers. We had a little argument dring the making of the presentation. We then decide to say some phrase in Russian. It's hard for us, for example my name is Rico, in russia it's Рико.... they read it as Erico. We had a debate with other groups about which composers we are going to take.

But overall this week is about our collaboration with other groups. Our presentation format mostly be Title, 3 great composers, their famous work, how their music change people. How it affect or the relation of their music to the Russian revolution.

This week is AWESOME!

This is Katyusha. This was the first time I play the song Katyusha, I think it's not that hard for me to play it because I have played many different and harder song. I'm not fluent playing it yet but I think if I keep playing I will get better in no time.

The second one is me playing the scale, it was until fourth finger. It sucks because I just tried it so I will practice my katyusha and scale more..

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

22 and 23 January 2013

This week we sang the song Dark Eyes.
We were warming up for around 5 minutes then we start our singing assessment. We were supposed to sing the whole song but Mr. John said we didn't need to so We sang only the first verse. 

This is the lyric of the song:
Ochi chyornye, ochi zhguchie, 
Ochi strastnye i prekrasnye, 
Kak lyublyu ya vas, kak boyus' ya vas, 
Znat' uvidel vas ya ne v dobryy chas. 

The lyrics is actually simple but the hardest part is how to pronounce it. I didn't think I did well on my singing assessment but turns out that I got a 9/10. Mr John mentioned to me that the only mistake I did was my rhythm. I wasn't fast enough or sometimes I sang it too slow. He told me next time to practice more. 

At Instrument we played our song. I am now officially playing sone number 10 of suzuki book 2. I was at no 7 then no 8 and 9 wasn't that interesting because I think that it's easier than number 7 so I decided to skip it.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

15 and 16 January 2013

The start of a new Semester and a new year, 2013. I think the start of a new year means we need to have a new motivation for example I want to play music beter than last year.

On 15th We discuss what assessment we are going to have this semester. The first one was to sing the Russian Song. The class choose either Katyusha the old Russian song it's about a girl singing about the Nature. Dark Eyes is about the beauty of a girl eyes. The theme of the song is kind of weird afterall Russians are weird. But they made good melody, it was hard for us to sing so Mr John decided that we sing only one phrase the first.

The video is about me trying to play a new song. As you can see it was a mess, I'm going to practice more so that I could play it well before February.